It has been embarrassingly quiet on my end of this blog and for that I deeply apologize. It has also been a very long summer for me with two separate week long stays in the hospital for acute diverticulitis. The cramps from this illness get pretty miserable when my body is digesting food and sometimes I am totally bedridden due to this pain.
The doctors have tried antibiotic treatments but that hasn't helped any. I follow a strict diet but still no relief. On the up side, I have had plenty of time to catch up on some long ignored books that I have let set idle catching dust. Being a reading addict is how I learned to write so catching up on these books has been very good for me and the doctors said I wasn't getting enough rest anyway so....
I have been trying to get my speed back up on my article writing which I do full time for a person in Calif. Triond has been abandoned by many writers due to severe management problems with that site but I try to swing by there ever so often.
I will try to update this blog more often and again, I apologize for such a long absence.