Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Back to the Grindstone

Memorial Day has come and gone. I hope that everyone who follows my blog enjoyed their holiday as much as I did. But now it's time to really buckle down and double up on my articles for the month of June. I was in a slump most of May so I didn't make that much with Triond. I can catch up though to my goal of at least $5 worth of work by the first of July!

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Beginning of Another Monday

Yet the beginning of another week. More bitter disappointment as there are still no more sales on my ebook but I suppose that's just one of the things a beginning writer must face. I still haven't been able to focus on the new book yet but it will happen. Just so damn tired all the time for some reason. Probably the heat and humidity which is horrible. Maybe I'll get the housework done really early and I'll be able to focus into getting something productive done. I've been keeping up the articles with Triond at least posting one daily.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I Caved In And Wrote An Article Today

So sue me! I went ahead and wrote an article on hypoglycemia. It was just too important to wait.

A Day Off!

I'm going to take the day off from writing today so that I can spend the day with my daughter. Money is nice, but family is more important! Enjoy your Sunday everyone! :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Back To Work Finally!

If there is one glaring truth about writing it is this...it takes concentration! Hubby finally went back to work today and already I have written 2 articles for Triond. I missed my routine of writing at least one article daily for each program that I am in. I can also get back to work on my novel.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Storms As Writing Inspiration!

Bad thunderstorms tonight. The lake needs the water badly. It inspired me to write an article on the upcoming hurricane season. http://scienceray.com/earth-sciences/meteorology/how-atlantic-hurricanes-are-formed/
Since the hurricane season starts on June 1st, I hope everyone takes this seriously and prepares in advance.
This is a perfect example of how ongoing events can inspire one to write articles.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Yesterday Was Hubby's Birthday

Talk about a distraction! Hubby was gone most of the day, but now I have all these damn surveys to do. Hey, it's free money though. Between InboxDollars and ClixSense everything will be a little better. I had to reduce the price of my ebook, Bloodmares, again. So now it's 99 cents and I dare anyone to say that they can't afford that. I finally finished the research for the new novel so that project will be picking up steam soon. Hubby goes back to work next Friday and it's type type type again!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hubbys Vacation Begins

Didn't get any writing done today but will get it done tonight. Hubby started his vacation today. He hasn't tired himself out yet..lol

Monday, May 16, 2011

Slow Day Today

Another slow day today. Just can't seem to get motivated. I did get a little more done to the manuscript and an article for Triond done. So tired for some reason.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bloodmares as a Paperback!

Finally I have Bloodmares available as a paperback! It's available through Lulu.com and I am hoping sales will eventually happen. Stephen King didn't become famous over night, so I am patient. Once I get the new novel done and up for sale, I think things will get a lot better.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Slow Saturday

Well, i didn't get much done as far as the novel goes, just a few research notes scribbled down but at least that was something. Hubby and I did the usual grocery shopping today and then my daughter came over for a visit. However I did get 2 articles done for Triond. One not so good, one was very good about the Texas drought.
Maybe I'll get more done tomorrow.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Today Is Fri the 13th!

I know that today is supposed to be bad luck but it's worked out pretty well for me so far. Hubby had to be at work early so I got some work done around the house, changed my ebook manuscript to HTML so it would look better and reuploaded it. I think I'll take a nap in a few min. then work on my new book some more. Getting it started doesn't mean much if I don't get more done than one page.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Finally, Sinkhole Begins

I finally started my new novel, "Sinkhole". I am very excited about this because the mental images keep flooding my mind constantly, begging to be written. I even wrote an article about it on Triond and as soon as that is published, I'll put the link here for it.

I have decided to only publish through Kindle because I just have too many problems uploading stuff on the other ebook publishing sites. Only having a trial version of Microsoft Word is a bitch. But so is being dead broke.lol.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today's Plans

Well, I checked out Pubit to use for my ebook since I found out I can publish through more than one place, but since they only make payments to a bank accout, I guess I won't use them since I don't have an active bank account. That's okay though.
I started work on a new website for Bloodmares last night and am pretty happy with it so far. I'm hoping to have it finished today. I did a lot of research yesterday for my new novel, "Sinkhole". That went pretty well and I'm almost to the point to where I can start actually writing it. I found a picture that I want to make into the cover if I'm able to.
 I found this one free online and added a greenish tint to it. Anyone who has ever read Lovecraft's work will understand. His is the influence behind this work.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Final Editing is Done

I noticed that none of my posts have an cohesion at all and are on way too many scattered subjects so I will clear this up now. No, I never did get the grass for my front yard. :) But I did get "Bloodmares" published as a Kindle book and that has been a dream of mine for many years.

Those short stories were written as a way to handle my parents death so I honor them by getting them published. Also, I am working on getting my book in paperback as well. I am waiting now to hear from PublishAmerica.com but since they are only open during the week, it will probably be Monday before I hear if my manuscript has been accepted or not. I will, of course, post as soon as I find out.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

iGoogle Settings

My new Kindle book, Bloodmares is now available online! I am so excited about this.